The periodical Annales Musei historico-naturales hungarici (Annls Mus. hist.-nat. hung.) is an international scientific journal of the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM). It publishes original research papers in the realms of anthropology, zoology, botany, geology and paleontology, mineralogy and petrology, museology and science history. As an almanac it is published regularly since 1903, substituting the journal Természetrajzi Füzetek (1877-1902).
The journal is primarily devoted to the HNHM archives and collections, but reports also on the results yielded by various projects run or participate by HNHM staff members and research associates. Papers may be published in English, German, French and in Hungarian. All submitted manuscripts are subject to peer-review by the editor, the advisory board, and invited reviewers of specialists for the respective topic.